Universally considered to be by far the best modification available is the ECU hack carried out by Samios Motorsports of Athens.


Spiros is an expert and gaining the best of the engine without overstressing or causing harm. Personally, I never noted a drop in fuel efficiency either.

Just a few horsepower are added to the top of the power curve but a big lump is added to the mid-range.

The results are:

By using this you bypass the need for snorkel mods or trying to find a power commander setting which works.

You need to tell Spiros the set up of your bike (which filter, which exhaust) and he creates the right ecu hack.

For Euro 220 it is great value.

As mentioned before the AIS needs to be disabled otherwise you get exhaust flames. carry it out as mentioned in https://pegfaq.dyndns.org:743/doku.php?id=blocksas

The long conversation about it is found here https://www.apriliaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?292665-Ecu-reflash&highlight=ais