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When researching the bike, you may encounter a lot of hits for a fuel pump issue.

While the issue exists, it is not as widespread as some are lead to believe.

Essentially they can fail.

The failure can be identified (apart from being unable to start the bike) in the following ways.

  • No priming noise when the ignition is turned on.
  • No fuel pumped over your feet if you disconnect the fuel line and engage the ignition.

In some instances, a sharp thump on the side of the tank can be utilised for a temporary cure. But get it replaced as soon as possible.

An Aprilla part is hugely expensive, however well worth carrying for 3 years when the pump fails in the middle of Khazakstan.

Fortunately, there are cheaper options. These have been detailed here.

Just a note to say if you do replace the pump, pinch up the electrical connectors to the pump module. if taken off a few times they can become loose and I did have a breakdown when one slid off.

fpump.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/09 19:52 by dobbi